Tuesday 23 September 2014


My name is Wan Nurul Nazerah binti Wan Sallehudin. I’m from Johor Bahru, Johor. I will turn 18 years old on 19th November 2014. I have 5 siblings and I’m the fourth. Now I’m studying at Kolej Poly-Tech MARA (KPTM), Kuantan. I have registered at KPTM on 21st June 2014. Life here is very challenging and different types of people I have known. I hope I am strong enough to finish my diploma for 3 years here.

            How I can study at KPTM? It is because my parents choice. I do not know anythings about KPTM before tis until my mum ask me to fill in the application form for 2014 July intake. Then my friends also ask me to fill in it with them. Although I fill the application, I still hope my application to get in state university was passed. But unfortunately I failed. I fell very sad. Then I get many offer letter from private university and college. My father ask me to choose one that I like but I do not want because  I know the fee very expensive. Even my parents  afford but I will feel very difficult for them.

           I also get offer from Poly Merlimau, Melaka. I got a diploma in event management. I feel excited but my mum did not allow me go because the course that I get. My mum say that I can not be active agains like I’m at school before this. After a week, my friend ask me to check the name of the qualifying in form 6. I feel relieved because my name is listed. Then I register form 6. After 2 weeks at form 6, I got a letter from KPTM that my application was approved. That time I feel very confused. I want to stay  at  form 6 but my parents ask to accept the offer from KPTM. My parents give me a week to think about this.

            I asked the opinion from my  sister. My sister say “ sometimes parents choice the best ”. After I think about this, I have decided to follow my parents choice because my brother and my sisters also before this follow the advice of my parents, and now they been successful. Although I was not interested the course that I get because I most like the subject counting. Time I was at form 4, I was took course Account and I have got a grade A in SPM same with my subject Mathematic. But I’m redha and tawakal. I hope this is the best choice for my future.



very unique as Friends are very important in our lives. Friendships are easily formed when we are young and do not demand too much out of it. According to studies and research, humans tend to form highest number of friendships at kindergarten and primary level. However, one tends to have less friends as one grows older and wiser. This is because we realize there are good friends and bad ones.

The saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed is very apt in this scenario because good friends are those who are reliable and trustworthy. At a younger age, our demands are not too high regarding friendships as we rely mostly on our parents, siblings and relatives for important things. The friends we formed at this age are merely considered playmates rather than companions and confidants. Thus, our expectations of them are not high.

More serious friendships are formed when one enters puberty and achieves certain level of maturity. The latter allows one to forge fellowship with those who share the same interests, passion as well as similar moral and religious values. Friend always be with us whenever we need them.

One of the main reasons for among college students is that as they reach a certain level of maturity, common binding factors such as religion, customs and traditions play important role in selection of friends. Since majority of these students come from rural backgrounds where there is not much cultural interchange, they feel rather awkward to forge friendships with students of other races. However, this does not mean the students are racist or suffer from superiority complex. Thus, the collage should introduce more programs that allow cultural and religious mixing and understanding of the other.

Nevertheless, in the working world, a different scenario prevails. One finds Indians, Chinese and other races forging stable and long lasting friendships. This is most probably due the fact that to be productive in one's work, one has to believe in team work. The latter actually enhances the bond between the workers and eventually long lasting friendships are formed. In fact, this situation has even led to many inter racial marriages between the three major races. The products of the intermarriages are they have friends and relatives from both ethnics.



I love you are always the last words my family say to each other when soemeone leaves the house. It's because we love each other, whether we want to admit it or not. Most fa,ilies I know are very loving and kind to their relatives, because well I love them. But, the sad truth is not all kids get to grow up with caring families.

I believe having a loving family is one of the most important things in life. I remember in probably first grade, when my great-grandpa passed away. I was so young, and I can't really remember ,uch, but I do remember some of my family members breaking down into tears often. My great-granddpa was very close to us, so after him death, my family's love was probably the only thing that allowed  us to realize we needed to move on with our lives. We had each other, which was the only thing we needed. Now, looking back on the tough time in my life, I feel like it was an apportunity God gave us to prove our love to one another. It's those kinds of instance that make me believe and realize having a loving family is very well one of the most important things in life.

Every single day, when I wake up, I sometimes stop to think about how lucky I am to get to wake up and see my family every single day. I've learned they are many kids, my age, younger, and much older, that have to wake up knowing they don't have a family that cares about them, or maybe they don't even have a family at all. Thinking back to all the problems and tough time I've had in my life, I realize it was my family and their love that helped me get through them.

My loving family is my life and my strength. Without them, I would be nothing.................. my life would br miserable. I firmly believe having a loving family is one of the most important things in my life.



                   There are quite a lot of people I admire but the person I admire the most is my mom Sadila Suzana Binti Abu Salim. My mom is very pretty and she cares a lot about me, which is why I admire her the most.
                     My mom is tall and has black hair. She has dark brown eyes. My mom has a very decent and friendly personality.

                      Being selfless is a great quality that my mom has because whenever I am sick she stays up all night to look after me. She sacrifices her own needs for my requirements. My mom is also very protective about me. She gives away all her pleasures for my sake and wants me to be happy all the time.
                       My mom does a lot of hard work with me with my school's work because she dreams of me being the top student in my class. She also cooks the best food for me.
                       My first and best teacher and guardian is also my mom because she taught me when I was small and still teaches me and works very hard with me. She corrects me where I am wrong and also scolds me sometimes for my betterment. She is very understanding and knows everything in and out of me. There is no generation gap between me and my mother. My mom is also the best friend I ever had.
                       My mom does not have many habits. She is very good at doing Arts and also has some interest in designing clothes. She also loves cooking and baking things with me and my brother.

                            I love my mom very much and she also loves me. Ten maids cannot even do as much work as my mom does. Mostly every woman can be a mom but it takes a lot of courage and hard work to be like my mom.


Monday 15 September 2014


My story is very short, I do believe that we are all surrounded by spirits and ghost. I always felt the presents of spirits around me, but I will never forget my first encounter with a ghost we were face to face.
  I was about 14 years old and I was going on vacation with my family and few cousin, we going to Port Dickson we were check in at Blue Lagoon Hotel. The hotel is quite creepy for me but I just keep no saying. After check in we go to our room and but all stuff in the room. The room is so pretty not like what I was expect.
  Then me and my cousin go to swimming pool to took a picture of us. It was 9.00pm the place is quite and dark it just us in the swimming pool are. But we still go there without feeling scared of that situation. My cousin ask me to took her picture then after I took her picture there was something at her back. It was a (Pocong) at her back, it’s like four feet tall with black face and red eye. then we all run back to our room and tell my mom about what just happen to us.
  At the night I was having a problems falling sleep I felt like I was dreaming and awake at the same time. Will I remember sitting up on the bad and there was a ghost standing behind a hanging light and I saw all her features she was about 47inchis tall she wore a white night gown and her face looked pale, she wore red lipstick and her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail.
  I knew that there should not be anyone in that room , because I’m the only one sleeping in that room. So I ran to my parents room and told my parents about what just happen to me. The next day we left the hotel. But before we left my parents told to the management about what happen to me and the management say sorry to us return the money back to my parents. I was afraid and overwhelmed at the fact of seeing a ghost,  but in over all it was a great experience.


Thursday 11 September 2014


What can i do to make my country a better place to life? As u guys know if we want our country a better place to live we need to take care of the environment, air, maintaining the nature environment, planting trees and having a campaign of mutual cooperation. Now days people like to smoke, do air pollution, open burning, factory smoke and others. Without realizing it, we’re doing the wrong things such as environmental damage, thinning the ozone layer and etc.

The living conditions in our city are getting worse and worse. Furthermore, the river is being polluted by chemicals from the factories and people are suffering from breathing difficulties and stomach problems. We should do something before its too late. The first thing we can do is to stop throwing litter. Also, the city should place more garbage bins. People should be more informed about the dangers of throwing your litter under the woods. This way, our city will be cleaner. One thing we can also do is to use paper and cloth bags instead of plastic bags. We can also fight against water pollution.

This way our rivers will be cleaner. People would have clean water to drink and to swim. There is also a way to fight against air pollution. It is mostly caused by factories, so we should force factories to put filters on their chimneys. We can also ban cars from the city centers and public transport should be improved, so that we could travel less and less by cars. All things considered, there are many solutions to all the problems. The better our lives will become.

Has technology made the world a better place to live ? Can someone rate it plz? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology has made the world a better place to live.Even though some people say that technology has lessen our lives quality, I think that it has made the world a better place to live. Technology provides to us a better knowledge, faster ways of locomotion and communication. The computer is one important feature from technology, which is very used by people in order to increase their knowledge. Books are no longer the main way to improve the understanding of a specific matter. Universiti and College students are using a lot more the Internet, which gives to them the right information without the need going to a library. For example, a person needs to do a research about a matter just research faster than doing it in the library by hand. This technology, which created the computer, has definitely helped the universities and college students to get a better knowledge.

Nowadays, the easy ways to going out, work and vocation is using car, motorcycle, train, and airplane, has facilitated our lives. Centuries ago, the main way to travel a long distance was the ship, or the horse. Today, the airplane is the most useful way to make fast travels, which gives to us more time. For example, comparing with the ship which usually crosses the Atlantic Ocean in one or two weeks, the airplane can easily cross it.

I hope in this way can make my country a better place to live, and may socity do keep clean and keep nature our country so that can attract tourism come to our country.



Thursday 4 September 2014


Hello everybody!
My name is Shalin Umaira bt Shaiful Bahari. I’m from Ampang Selangor and I’m 18 years old. I’m a student of KPTM Kuantan so this is my first experience writhing a blog and I’m so excited. Sorry if my story a bit boring.

 I think that having a blog in English could really be a good way for student to improve his writing skills. I tried a lot of different ways to improve my English skills and also hope that I can share with my friends in how to learn English.

LISTEN TO THE RADIO IN ENGLISH: you can improve your English with listening to the DJ when their speaking. So that you can be more familiar with the words and also you can try to using it when you want to speak with your friend. It will slowly build your confident.

READ ENGLISH NOVEL: For me I improve my English by reading English novel. With that you know how to read well and can be more familiar with the spelling and the words that be used in the novel. Try to find an interesting novel to read. If you a romance person then find a romantic novel.

WATCH ENGLISH MOVIE: Watch movies in English and pay attention to new vocabulary and pronunciation. If you don’t know the meaning of the words. You can change the subtitle in Malay at least you know what the meaning of the words is.

USE A DICTIONARY: Dictionary has millions of words so that it can help you to use them in sentences. You also can refer to dictionary if you can’t understand in what you read.

MAKE FRIENDS: Make friends with people who can speak English well. Ask them to guard you when you speak. Don’t be scared or feel ashamed to speak. Cause it the way in order to learn how to speak English well. You can also listen to them when their speaking to other friend. For me if you joining with people who are good in English insyaallah you also can be good in English too.

That’s all I know in how can I improve my English. I hope that you guys can follow my way. Sorry for my broken English hope you guys enjoy it assalamualaikum and have a great day guys! Muah muah!

Wednesday 3 September 2014


             Assalamualaikum, my name is Nurul Syahirah Binti Eddie Norisham. I am 18 years old. I have six siblings and I am the elder in my siblings. I have a beloved mother who was take care and love me. My mother is everything to me. Even our lives are so hard but my parents are so strong and never give up their kids with the lovely and responsible. I really love my parents because they always support me and give a good advice when I want to achieve something great in my life. This is my first experiences to write a blog. I’m so excited and hopefully it can improve my English. Today I would like to post topic about I Want to live in Malaysia. Why I Want To Live In Malaysia? I think you guys know that Malaysia familiar with variety food, races, tradition, community life, interesting places and all. Malaysia is one of country in Southeast Asia and i live at Kuala Lumpur.

            As you guys know there are many tourist come to visit Malaysia. There are many interesting places like Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), KL Tower, Pavilion, Aquaria, I-City, Lego Land, Johor Premium Outlet (JPO), Batu Caves, Pulau Redang, Gunung Kinabalu, Zoo Negara, Genting Highland, Cameron Highland, Menara Condong, A Famosa, Taman Negara, Gunung Mat Cincang and all.

           Malaysia also has a lot of food and fruit. Nasi lemak is the most popular food in Malaysia. The most popular fruit in Malaysia is Durian (King Of Fruit) , Rambutan, Mata Kucing, Mangis, Mangga, Jambu, Langsat and all. Beside that Malaysia also popular with Roti Canai, Laksa, Mee Kari, Mee Hailam, Char Kuey Tiaw, Sate, ABC, Cendol, Teh Tarik and more.

I want to live in Malaysia because of the culture that have in Malaysia. For example we got three different races which are Malay, Indian and Chinese. Malaysia was always on my list of “possible” places to live in Asia because Malaysia have a Highest Tower in Kuala Lumpur, A longest Bridge in Pulau Penang, A beautiful island in Asia at Sabah, The bigger flower in Asia is Rafflesia at Sabah.

Tuesday 2 September 2014


My name is Wan Nurul Nazerah binti Wan Sallehudin. im totally Malay and I live in Johor Bahru, Johor which is at Malaysia. Our Prime Minister YAB Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak has been introduced “One Malaysia”. 

“One Malaysia” meaning is formed to reorient Malaysia towards greater unity and success. The two paramount cardinal principles underline in One Malaysia concept is to inculcate the spirit and values of togetherness and a sense of belonging among Malaysians, regardless of race, religion and creed.

In Malaysia, people with different ethnic and various races were living together in peaceful manner. This is show that we leaving among different races. Even though we live a different race, we still follow the tradition own race.

I’m totally Malay but I friends with other races. At secondary school, I school at Sekolah Kebangsaan, we study in among different races. So I get chance to know them. At the beginning I felt very awkward to be friends with them but finally I was able to adjust self. Every festival we will celebrate together at school. I’m very happy to be able to feel the festival day other races. I hope my country will peaceful with different races till end.


Tuesday 19 August 2014


We all have people who have changed our lives. People can change your life in a positive or negative way. My mother, Marsita binti Salam changed my life in a positive way. My mother basically raised me. She changed my life and I am glad she did. My mother was a very hardworking woman. She valued education even though she never received an education during her childhood. It really touched me the way she would try to help me and give me advice and I always share my personal story about my life, my friend and also my boyfriend, hahahaha! My mother is very sporting and she always gives advice to me. From with my mother experience, I want to be like her because she is very hardworking. This made me work extremely hard in college. My mother taught me how important it is to tolerate people and certain situations. She told me showing people respect will get you a long way in life, as well as seeking help in hard times and facing problems instead of running away from them. Because of this, I try to see the good in people and over look the bad even I know I am not a perfect, I always make mistake. When I have a problem I think of ways to solve it. When I cannot find a solution I ask for help before things get worse. She was very humble and kind. She did not let people take her kindness for weakness.Even my mother is obvious, we always spoilt. And you know what, I call her ‘ Cinte ‘ , hekhekhek! She is the best mother in the world. She always support me when I sad, happy, through thick and thin. Hmmm. She did not mind helping people even she know the she also not comfortable. That is one thing she always did and taught me, the word love is used to often these for small things that do not matter. Few people understand what love really is. It is not trait we are born with like the color of our eyes. We have to learn to love ourselves and others. If you love some one you show it through actions and help them change if they need to.

Sunday 17 August 2014


Malaysia? What are you know about Malaysia? Malaysia is one of country in Southeast Asia. Its climate is tropical, very hot and humid. Malaysia have 13 states and three Federal Territories. And I am from Johor Bahru, Johor which is located south of Malaysia. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur, approx 331km from Johor Bahru.
Malaysia also has a variety of privilege such as races, religions, tradition food and many places of interest. We live here in peace at the same time we are different races and religions. The most races at here are Malay, Chinese and Indian. We also have Khadazan Dusun, Iban, Milanau and many more at Sabah and Sarawak. The religion are Islam, Budha, Indian. The races and religion official is Malay and Islam. And I am.
The food comes from malaysia are nasi lemak, roti canai, laksam, laksa johor, laksa penang etc. Malaysian food also from various nations. My favorite food is roti telur especially for breakfast and laksa penang. So yummy hm hmm.....
If you come to Malaysia you can visit a lot of  interesting place. Such as at Johor Bahru have Legoland that only one at Asian then we have Batu Cave at Selangor for Indian pray, a lot beautiful island and many . I have been to Pulau Pangkor at Perak. I feel so excited because for the first time I play jet ski and snorkeling. I also around the island with speedboat. I never forget that feeling. I hope I can go there again and play all the game.

For the conclusion I very proud to be Malaysian. I hope many tourists come visit to Malaysia and I also hope one day Malaysia be highly regarded state and well known.


Thursday 14 August 2014


Haloooooo Everybody!
My name is Shahirah Binti Roslan, and you call me Sheera. I am from Perak, Malaysia and I am 19 years old. I live at Bagan Datoh, Perak. I have five sibling. I have three brother,  one sister and I am the younger sister. My primary school is at SK Bagan Datoh  and my secondary school is at SMK Seri Muara Bagan Datoh, my attitude at my school is very lazy and I like to sleep in class. I am very naughty right? Besides that, I am also have good attitude at my school, I like help my teacher and my friend.  My hobby is surfing internet and shopping. I am very wasteful. My  ambition is beautician. I love make up. Hihi. And now I want to story about my life and my dream. Actually, this is a first time write a blog and feel so excited now. Haha! Okay, let me tell a story about my dream. Everybody have a dream right? Okay then I will share about my dream.
My dream is become to be a successful person…………………
Do you notice in fast time goes by? From the 5 until 17 years old I spend time busy started with kindergarten then primary school and the lastly is high primary school. You know what, I'm in college now! Yeayyy, hahaha! So excited cause college is many different with school. From that I start thinking about the future. The future as referring to my career, what I plan to do, what I want to dedicate my life to the better part of my future. From the time I were in college I have start thinking about my future career and what we would like to do for a living. This is no means an easy decision because at the tender age we were at whilst still in school, it is not that easy to have the foresight to understand what the working would be like. For me, I have many dream since young! Hahaha!
     Going back to the future when I was 12 years old. I had always wanted to be a……… makeup artist. Hahaha! Funny right? All of this because I like make up since I child. I always make up using my mom lipstick and eye-shadow. Haha. And I borrow my mom handbag to going out. Hihi. Since that I think I love make up and I think I want to continue study with course beautician but my family disagree with my decision. So sad L ……..
     Hahaha. Forget it! It’s just old story and now I want to focus with my course is Human Resource Management in College Poly-Tech Mara. Actually, my sister ask me study at here. At the first, I don’t want to continue here because it’s so far with my parents. Kahkah!  But, it’s okay. When I at here, I feel comfortable with surrounding here and I not regret with my decision. I’m just want to continue my study until to achieve my dream to be a successful in my life. I hope my dream will be reality! I know I can do it! Chaiyok sheera! Yeayhh! Haha.
   That’s all about my life and my dream. I hope you guys enjoy ya! Thank you J
